About Us~Rev. Phil &, Kay Hughes.


Hello!  My name is Rev. Philip Hughes.  I’m from Northern California.  My wife’s name is Kay and she’s from Dallas, Texas.  We are both Christians, and have been and are anointed with the Holy Spirit for more than 40 years.  I was called into ministry at age 17.  I was educated beginning with attendance at Sweet Water Bible C0llege in Arizona, as well as furthering my education at Rhema Bible College, in Oklahoma.  Additionally, I was called into the areas of evangelist, pastor and teacher.  As a pastor, I pioneered two churches, one in Arizona and the other in California. I have traveled as a teacher, speaking throughout the U.S. and internationally.  Also, I functioned as a former Dean of a bible school in Phoenix, Arizona.  My testimony and backsliding experiences as a youth and of being a motorcycle gang member, with a near death experience, laying in a pool of my own blood from a gunshot wound, and my years in law enforcement were all used together for good (Romans 8:28) as I finally and fully surrendered my life to Jesus Christ as well as to God’s call on my life. Therefore, having said this, the Lord has directed my teaching and studies of Demonology and Authority for the Christian in Spiritual Warfare.  God has led me to start teaching this to the non-believer and believer on this Pod Cast program.  Remember, we ARE living in the end times and the demonic activity today is trying to show its evil authority, but WE have the authority and I’ll show you how to utilize it.

Welcome!  I am Rev. Hughes’ wife, Kay.  I surrendered my life to the Lord Jesus Christs’ call over 40 years ago. My salvation and baptism in the Holy Spirit experience was one I will never forget. Even though, the experience was profound (the most profound of my life), I did not come to the Lord with an “earth shaking” experience, like a lot of people do.  My marriage was falling apart (with my first husband, now deceased) and my sister took me and my baby in at that time, as I separated myself from my husband.  My sister was very much a Christian and she kept telling me “I needed Jesus in my life”.  I was reluctant at first, even a bit repulsed.  She proceeded in telling me that I needed to go and see a “minister”.  I then agreed if she would stop bugging me “about this Jesus”, I would go to a pastor she knew for a one time counsel session.  Little did I know, when I got to the session (and my sister was with me),  the anointing of the Holy Spirit would fall on my whole being. It literally saturated every pore of my body.  I  could not resist the love from God, the Lord Jesus Christ, as well as the Holy Spirit, coming to me. I surrendered not only my heart to them, but my WHOLE being and life.  That day, my life was changed forever.  I’ve have never looked back. Since that time, I have realized the call of God on my life, did not not just include me alone, but for everyone who would listen as I shared God’s plan of salvation with them and how their lives would change for the better.  The work that I’m led to do, is to minister to the hungry, hurting, (both physically and emotionally) wounded and rejected people, as well as to women that are in need of  healing and teaching, regarding such things as prayer, forgiveness, how to raise your children, love your husband and overcome the obstacles and attacks of the evil one.  However, my testimony  did not really begin until my relationship to the Lord Jesus Christ was well underway.  He quickly began to work in my life, exchanging my old ways, for His new ones. The work for the past 40 years that the Lord has done, has really been “my testimony”.  Unbelievable experiences, which the enemy meant for my harm, really have all turned out for good (Jeremiah 29:11)  says, “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future”.  I look forward to teaching everyone regarding what my sweet Jesus Christ has taught me. You will never be the same.

What can you expect from VICTORY IN FAITH NOW?   Our new Pod Cast shows will cover all facets about Spiritual Warfare, solid, Biblically based and uncompromised teaching, regarding such subjects as:  The Origin of Evil Spirits, Angels and Demons, Witchcraft, The Occult, Generational Curses, The Power of Prayer, Faith and Authority, The Holy Spirit, Healing, The Blood Covenant and Salvation, plus a whole lot more to come!

We believe that God is utilizing our experiences in our ministry, for a new internet radio Pod Cast program (VICTORY IN FAITH NOW).   As your hosts, my wife Kay and I look forward to teaching the steadfast word of God to you, our listeners, in Spiritual Warfare,  as well as a deeper spiritual walk of Faith, Power, and Authority and to know Jesus as Lord.  We’ve got a lot coming your way and you’re going to love it!!  Send us an email on our contact page at ~  www.phil.kay@victoryinfaithnow.org  ~ You can “like” us on FaceBook.  We would appreciate your giving us a 5 star rating on I Tunes and please subscribe to our web site ~ www.victoryinfaithnow.org ~  Please Help us by becoming a Faith Partner, Your financial support is important to this Ministry. It helps us to continue to do the work of the Lord. So feel free to donate to the ministry with PayPal.

Thank you for visiting our web site!  Rev.Phil and Kay Hughes. God Bless You and don’t forget to “Keep The Faith!” Hebrews 11:1